Sunday, January 3, 2010


A message from:
Stanley Ridge, Managing Editor
Wilde Oats Magazine

February is the deadline for submissions for the 4th issue of Wilde Oats, which will appear on line immediately after Easter. We accept submissions at any time, holding any that reach us after the deadline for the following issue.

Issue 4 has no particular theme. We are looking for quality stories and/or opinion pieces that bear on the lives of gay men. Stories should be between approximately 2,000 and 10,000 words, but we will accept longer stories if they are very good, and we do serialize novellas. Opinion pieces should be under 1,000 words.

Also, please let us know if you have a book you would like to review or one you would like to review for us. If you want us to write a review we need to receive a copy by 17 February, but will accept reviews you submit until 10 March.

Email submissions as an attachment to For formatting guidelines, see

And if you haven’t yet, do check out issue 3 at

Thank you for your past contributions to and continuing interest in Wilde Oats magazine. We look forward to reading more of your stories.

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