Monday, January 7, 2019

A Bon Voyage Dinner from/to Ben and Oyvind

Ben and Oyvind visited us for nine days. Normally that’s a bit too long for guests, three times the recommended stay. But it was not a problem having them for so long a time. They are very good at entertaining themselves. And this time I had the good scene to move my desk and computer into my bedroom so I could continue to work. And every time I felt I needed to get away from all the chatter, I made my excuses of needing to work and went to my desk and lost myself in my work.

Their stay was packed with activities: a day at Borego Springs, parties, hiking, dinners at the best restaurants, a day visiting LACMA museum, and walking downtown. We were kept very busy.  

It was a fun stay, with an overabundance of eating and drinking, especially drinking. We had some terrific meals, but none better than the meal Ben cooked on their last night with us. He invited a house full of people and then cooked all day, making his signature dish, Paella.

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