After the publication of my first novel, Island Song, I felt dissatisfied with writing novels for two reasons. 1) A three-hundred-plus page manuscript took me four months to write the first draft, and another dozen-plus months to edit and polish. The time involved hardly seemed worth the payoff. And 2) Like most unknown authors, I was on my own when it came to marketing my novel, which is something I suck at.
So I began taking classes in writing screenplays. I thought writing screenplays would be easier and faster, since a typical screenplay is only 120 pages or less (general rule is one page for every minute of movie). And the way the pages are formatted, there are half as many words per page. Simple I thought. I also like the idea of turning my finished baby over to a production company and letting them deal with promoting the movie.
I now look back and realize that I was soooo naive. I can say with some authority that, at least for me, writing a 110-page screenplay takes more time and thought and effort than writing a 400-page novel.
In a novel, you delve inside the characters’ heads to help tell their story. In most novels, the characters tell their own story with their thoughts, opinions and judgments. Where as a screenplay has only action and dialog to tell the story – everything must be shown, everything – and that, ladies and gentlemen, is a very difficult task to pull off. If you can’t see it or hear it, it doesn’t go on the page.
The other thing that makes it especially challenging, is that you are still dealing with a 300-plus page story, but you have to find a way to cram that story into 110 pages. Every page is considered very expensive real estate, and every word has to fight in order to survive and take up its allotted space. You need to trim everything to the bone, and then find clever ways to trim more. The description of a scene takes one line. The description of a character, no more than two lines. Imagine trying to cram Yeats into a five-line haiku poem, and you begin to sense the level of difficulty.
Then there is the marketing aspect. It may be true that the writer doesn’t participate in marketing the movie, but before the screenplay is made into a movie, the writer must market it to the studios, directors, actors, or anybody that knows anybody in the business. Trying to get a movie contract is a hundred times harder than getting a book published, because it is a very tight community, and if you don’t know someone on the inside to make things happen, you’re basically screwed.
So, am I sorry I went down this path? Hell no. I love writing screenplays. It is a fantastic challenge and it’s even improving my prose writing. I think I’m actually getting reasonably good at it, considering my limited experience. But if you’re a writer looking for an easy path to get your stories out there fast, run, don’t walk, away from screenwriting.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
How I Became a Published Writer – Part 3 of 7

An online magazine asked me to create a seven-part history of how I became a published writer. I decided to post them here first, one per week. Here is installment #3:
Written by Alan Chin
It took a span of ten years after I received my Masters in Writing diploma before I started working on what would become my first published novel. You see, by the time I earned my degree, I had been promoted again to a much more taxing position. I worked a high-pay, high-stress, long-hour management job. My department was responsible for some of the most complex, big-budget computer projects in our brokerage firm. At the end of the day, at the end of the week, I had nothing left to give to my craft of writing. My job was all consuming, a black hole for my time, energy, and one sixteen-year relationship.
But by the end of the decade, I had accumulated enough company stock to live a frugal life without the overcaffeinated, sixty-hour-week career. So on April 1st of 1999, I happily skipped out of Charles Schwab & Co. for the last time. I will forever be grateful to Chuck Schwab, the company, and the people who work there, but I never want to see them again.
My partner, Herman, and I spent two years traveling the globe, visiting over forty-five destinations. We scuba dived the Great Barrier Reef and the Red Sea, tracked black rhino in the Serengeti, hiked over mountain trails in Nepal and Tibet, and dined in most of the capitals of Asia and Europe. It was during these travels that I began to write again, keeping a journal, which led to dreaming of completing a novel. I struggled to find a topic I cared about. I was not content to simply write some cliché romance story. It had to be good and it had to say something about me, about my view of the world. But nothing substantial came to mind.
Then, while enjoying a few weeks on a beach in southern Thailand, I read a book that changed my life—Soul Mountain by Gao Xingjian. For the first time, I read a brilliant book of fiction where the author intricately wove Buddhist philosophy into the storyline (did I mention that I am a Buddhist?). The book presented everything I felt in my core, but did so seamlessly with the actions and dialog of his characters. Beneath the characters and plot, lay a subtext with a very profound message. At some point toward the end of that book a switch clicked on in my head, and I knew I wanted to write, had to write, my own novel with a similar subtext.
I picked through the short stories I had written in college a decade earlier and found a story I had written about gay bashing, and about fighting back. It was a story of outrage that I wrote after hearing of a murder trial in Phoenix, Arizona. You see, four high school students had pled guilty to beating a fellow student to death, simply because he was gay. All four bashers were on the school football team, and the judge let the boys off with six years probation, because he felt they were fine, upstanding athletes.
The rage I still felt ten years later drove me to pick up this short story and begin crafting a longer work about homophobia, gay bashing, and fighting back. I wanted desperately for my gay characters to pitilessly kick some basher’s ass. But it had to be more. It had to have a subtext of Buddhist ideals, which of course means passivism. That became the trick, to write about hate, vicious beatings, yet have an underlying message of passivism.
I believe I accomplished my goal, but you will need to read my first published novel, Island Song, in order to find out how. The novel took me two years to write, and another year to rewrite after fifty literary agents and publishers had turned the book down. But more about that in my next installment.
It took a span of ten years after I received my Masters in Writing diploma before I started working on what would become my first published novel. You see, by the time I earned my degree, I had been promoted again to a much more taxing position. I worked a high-pay, high-stress, long-hour management job. My department was responsible for some of the most complex, big-budget computer projects in our brokerage firm. At the end of the day, at the end of the week, I had nothing left to give to my craft of writing. My job was all consuming, a black hole for my time, energy, and one sixteen-year relationship.
But by the end of the decade, I had accumulated enough company stock to live a frugal life without the overcaffeinated, sixty-hour-week career. So on April 1st of 1999, I happily skipped out of Charles Schwab & Co. for the last time. I will forever be grateful to Chuck Schwab, the company, and the people who work there, but I never want to see them again.
My partner, Herman, and I spent two years traveling the globe, visiting over forty-five destinations. We scuba dived the Great Barrier Reef and the Red Sea, tracked black rhino in the Serengeti, hiked over mountain trails in Nepal and Tibet, and dined in most of the capitals of Asia and Europe. It was during these travels that I began to write again, keeping a journal, which led to dreaming of completing a novel. I struggled to find a topic I cared about. I was not content to simply write some cliché romance story. It had to be good and it had to say something about me, about my view of the world. But nothing substantial came to mind.
Then, while enjoying a few weeks on a beach in southern Thailand, I read a book that changed my life—Soul Mountain by Gao Xingjian. For the first time, I read a brilliant book of fiction where the author intricately wove Buddhist philosophy into the storyline (did I mention that I am a Buddhist?). The book presented everything I felt in my core, but did so seamlessly with the actions and dialog of his characters. Beneath the characters and plot, lay a subtext with a very profound message. At some point toward the end of that book a switch clicked on in my head, and I knew I wanted to write, had to write, my own novel with a similar subtext.
I picked through the short stories I had written in college a decade earlier and found a story I had written about gay bashing, and about fighting back. It was a story of outrage that I wrote after hearing of a murder trial in Phoenix, Arizona. You see, four high school students had pled guilty to beating a fellow student to death, simply because he was gay. All four bashers were on the school football team, and the judge let the boys off with six years probation, because he felt they were fine, upstanding athletes.
The rage I still felt ten years later drove me to pick up this short story and begin crafting a longer work about homophobia, gay bashing, and fighting back. I wanted desperately for my gay characters to pitilessly kick some basher’s ass. But it had to be more. It had to have a subtext of Buddhist ideals, which of course means passivism. That became the trick, to write about hate, vicious beatings, yet have an underlying message of passivism.
I believe I accomplished my goal, but you will need to read my first published novel, Island Song, in order to find out how. The novel took me two years to write, and another year to rewrite after fifty literary agents and publishers had turned the book down. But more about that in my next installment.
Monday, July 28, 2014
The Kindness of Strangers Saved Me
A few days ago, it was 115 degrees in Palm Springs, so Herman and I decided to pack a picnic lunch and take the tram up the mountain where it’s normally 40 degrees cooler. When we reached the top we found perfect weather for hiking, so we took a 5.5 mile trail that led up to Mount San Jacinto peak, the second tallest peak in Southern California. It was a hike I’ve wanted to make for years, and we had a marvelous, yet arduous hike, clicking off mile after mile.
Three miles up the mountain we stopped for lunch. That’s when we realized that we didn’t bring enough water for such an arduous hike. But by then, we were only a few miles from our goal, and my stubborn streak kicked into high gear. I convinced Herman that we could make it if we took frequent breaks and rationed our remaining water.
We continued to climb.
Another mile and we met a hiker on his way down the mountain. He told us there was a cabin near the peak for hikers who get stranded in bad weather. The cabin had sleeping bags and food. I asked if he thought there would be water, and he said “Probably not, but you never know. This place was not maintained by the Forest Service, but by local hikers.” I was hoping he would offer us some of his water, but alas, no.
We continued to climb, thinking we were still okay.
About a half mile from the peak, we had become so dehydrated that we were both dizzy and began to stagger. One minute we seemed fine, the next we were in serious trouble. We sat in the shade, trying to recover our balance and talked about our options. We could: 1) wait for other hikers to come by and beg for water. 2) Start back down the mountain and pray we could make the five-mile trek without fainting. 3)Continue climbing and pray there was indeed water at the cabin near the peak.
We continued to climb, with reservations on Herman’s part. For my part, I didn’t believe we could make it down without more water, and I didn’t want to simply sit there praying someone would come by.
We managed to totter to the cabin. It was a beautiful stone building with a wooden roof, about the size of a kid’s bedroom. I unbolted the wood door and lurched inside. There were two sets of bunk beds, a fireplace, and a storage box marked emergency supplies. I opened the box and there were two, lovely plastic bottles of purified water, unopened.
Between the two of us, we drank half of one bottle, saving the other half for the march down. The water revived us within minutes. We left one water bottle untouched, and started our descent.
Had it not been for the kindness of the people who left that water there, I’m not altogether sure what would have happened, as we passed nobody coming up as we descended.
This week we are planning another climb to the peak. This time we will take plenty of water for ourselves in addition to an extra two bottles to leave at the cabin for others who may be as reckless as we were. From now on, each time I make that climb, I shall take one water bottle to leave at the cabin.
Whoever you are that left that water, you have my deepest gratitude.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Writing Tip: The B Subplot Must Influence Your Storyline.
In most novels and movies, there are at least two stories going on – the A story (main storyline) and the B story (a subplot). There is sometimes a C, D and E subplot as well, but lets keep this discussion simple by focusing on just two.
Strangely enough, with most love stories, the actual love plot is normally the B story. For example: one of the great love stories was Casablanca. The main story was what was happening to the letters of transit. They were the only way out of a horrid situation, and people were dying to get them. The love story between Rick and Ilsa was the B story.
In writing a plot, the A and B stories wander along in parallel, like two trains going down different tracks, yet racing in the same direction. But at some point usually near the end, the B story must collide with the A story, and affect it in such a way that neither story will ever be the same.
In the example above, Casablanca, the letters of transit fall into Rick’s hands, yet Ilsa desperately needs them so that her husband, Victor Lazlo, can fly to freedom. Ilsa sacrifices everything, promising to abandon Victor and stay with Rick, if he will only give up the letters. Rick, of course, sacrifices Ilsa and gives her the letters out of love, and loyalty. Ilsa and Victor fly to freedom, Rick joins the freedom fighters.
Another example: To Kill a Mockingbird, the A story leads to Tom Robinson’s trial and the hatred of Atticus Finch by Bob Ewell. The B story is Jem and Scout’s developing relationship with Boo Radley. At the end, the A and B stories collide when Ewell tries to kill the children and Boo stabs Ewell to save the kids.
If you have a B story that doesn’t significantly affect the A story in the end, then rewrite it so that it does, or cut the B story. It’s only function is to boost the A story. If it doesn’t, then it’s dead weight.
Strangely enough, with most love stories, the actual love plot is normally the B story. For example: one of the great love stories was Casablanca. The main story was what was happening to the letters of transit. They were the only way out of a horrid situation, and people were dying to get them. The love story between Rick and Ilsa was the B story.
In writing a plot, the A and B stories wander along in parallel, like two trains going down different tracks, yet racing in the same direction. But at some point usually near the end, the B story must collide with the A story, and affect it in such a way that neither story will ever be the same.
In the example above, Casablanca, the letters of transit fall into Rick’s hands, yet Ilsa desperately needs them so that her husband, Victor Lazlo, can fly to freedom. Ilsa sacrifices everything, promising to abandon Victor and stay with Rick, if he will only give up the letters. Rick, of course, sacrifices Ilsa and gives her the letters out of love, and loyalty. Ilsa and Victor fly to freedom, Rick joins the freedom fighters.
Another example: To Kill a Mockingbird, the A story leads to Tom Robinson’s trial and the hatred of Atticus Finch by Bob Ewell. The B story is Jem and Scout’s developing relationship with Boo Radley. At the end, the A and B stories collide when Ewell tries to kill the children and Boo stabs Ewell to save the kids.
If you have a B story that doesn’t significantly affect the A story in the end, then rewrite it so that it does, or cut the B story. It’s only function is to boost the A story. If it doesn’t, then it’s dead weight.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
A Job I’m So Glad I No Longer Do – Until Now
My novel, First Exposure, is
being released on Aug. 9th, so I thought it would be good to update
my website with the information and links about this new book. I maintain the
site myself because I spent twenty years in the IT industry, and know just
enough about HTML to get myself in trouble, not to mention frustrate myself to
the end of my rope.
When I checked the website, I
found it needed much more than added information. It needed a total facelift.
It became all too clear why hoards of readers visit my site, yet so few of them
actually buy my books. The site looks sloppy and amateurish, something that was
fine in the mid-90s, but not right for now.
So this job will take several
days of my devoted time. Hopefully, once I’m done, it will become a site that
readers will feel comfortable browsing.
Doubtless I should pay a
professional to build me a really snazzy site, yet I make so little money off
my book sales, I can’t justify pouring thousands of dollars into making my site
pretty, even if means a modest bump in sales.
So hopefully you’ll give me
to the end of this week, and then check out my new site. I welcome any
Monday, July 21, 2014
How I Became a Published Writer – Part 2 of 7

An online magazine asked me to create a seven-part history of how I became a published writer. I decided to post them here first, one per week. Here is installment #2:
Written by Alan Chin
My years attending the University of San Francisco, working toward a Masters in Writing degree were both amazing and frustrating.
The frustration came in two flavors. The first was that I was struggling with a fulltime management job that often stretched into sixty-hour weeks. Heap on another thirty hours of classroom and homework, and there was no time for any social activities. Yes, I went almost two years without any kind of social life outside of work and classroom. For a man in the prime of life, that was a difficult sacrifice.
The second frustration was that I attended each class with the same group of students—about twenty of us as I recall—and I was the only gay student. All my writing for classwork was focused on my experiences as a gay man, highlighting issues with family and my job from a gay perspective. The other students were not openly hostile, but none were supportive. Other students would present their work, and the class would gush out praise no matter how mediocre the writing. I would present my work to a wall of silence. Often, there would be not a single comment (keep in mind this was back in the early nineties.) The only encouragement I received came from the instructors, who focused on structure and writing and flow, rather than content.
I didn’t realize it at the time, but being snubbed by my fellow students actually helped my writing. I was so intent on rattling their cages, that I struggled to become one of the better writers in the class. I was out to impress them all as a way to rub their bigotry in their faces. I freely admit now that my attitude was infantile, but I believe it did help me to take my writing more seriously.
Fortunately, there were amazing rewards as well. Writing gave me a creative outlet to dig deep into my being and analyze my life’s issues, then present them in a fictitious environment and with made-up characters. I fell in love with that process, which is a form of self-discovery. At that time in my life I held a great deal of rage inside, tying my gut in knots. For me, writing turned into a vehicle to both recognize and work through what I believed to be the injustices in my life.
You see, even today, every character I write about is an extension of me, and each character in my stories deal with problems that I struggle with myself. I believe all art is a form of self-discovery, and having tread down this path for so many years, I’ve come to feel that self-discovery is the most important thing a person can do in life.
A good novel, like life, is a journey for the writer and the reader, not to a destination, but of transformation. As the characters in the novel transform, so do the reader and writer.
So yes my college years were challenging, often overwhelming, but it was also a time of wonder as I delved into that grey matter between my ears and listened to the chaotic sounds my being sang. It was like learning to meditate for the first time, to open myself up to the universe and begin to understand my role in this incredible thing we call life.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
One Of The Hardest Lessons To Learn
I can, of course, only speak for
myself, but in my years of practicing Zen, one of the lessons I have to relearn
and relearn is that of choosing to stay positive. Sounds easy, right? Oh so wrong…
We all have many choices to make
every hour of the day. What to eat. Who to spend time with. What to wear. How
to do our jobs. How we commune to work. Which movie to watch. The list is
endless. Hardly a minute goes by without us making some kind of choice.
I’ve heard many people (especially
couples who have children) say, “I have no choice but to work where I do, there
are no others jobs available.” They complain that they have few choices because
need drives every decision, and they must do whatever must be done for the
children, or for this, that, or the other thing.
In my view, these people are making excuses
in order to avoid taking charge of their lives.
I am often amazed at how easily
people (and I include myself in this) surrender the right to make choices that
have a profound impact on their lives. They simply fail to realize that when
they give up their right to choose they give up the opportunity to choose their
All of the choices that people give
up, none is more devastating than giving up the choice of their attitude. Often
people let other people and events determine whether they are in a “good mood”
or not. Well, folks, “good mood” or bad, what you project looks a lot like an
attitude to the people around you.
What I’ve learned is that I cannot
control the attitude of others. I cannot always control the events that make up
my day. What I can and must control is how I respond to them. THAT will
determine my attitude.
Here’s my choice, and it’s one I get
to make multiple times everyday. Will my attitude be a thermostat that sets its
own “temperature” or will it be a thermometer that reflects the temperature of
those around it?
The most successful people understand
this profound fact: No one and nothing can take my positive attitude away from me
unless I let it happen.
It’s my choice.
The choice to maintain a positive
attitude in the face of trying people and problematic challenges does more to
improve the quality of my life than any other single thing I can do.
Some days it is a battle to maintain
that attitude, but I’ve found that it’s a war worth fighting because it gives
me control of my life. One huge weapon I used in fighting that battle is
forgiveness. It’s hard to have a negative attitude toward someone once you’ve truly
forgiven them.
The alternative is to give up control
and be carried along by swirling emotions caused by outside forces. The choice
is always mine (and yours) to make.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Writing Tip: The Three Act Structure
Last week I wrote about Plotting. Plotting and structure go hand in hand. You generally determine both once you define your theme, what the story is “about.” Whatever your theme is, the hero needs to deal with it at the end. His character growth is tied into that theme. It’s the foundation of the story.
Here’s a great description of story, from Writing to Sell by Scott Meredith:
“A sympathetic lead character finds himself in trouble of some kind and makes active efforts to get himself out of it. Each effort, however, merely gets him deeper into his trouble, and each new obstacle in his path is larger than the last. Finally, when things look blackest and it seems certain the lead character is finished, he manages to get out of his trouble through his own efforts, intelligence, or ingenuity.” [or in some cases, like Romeo and Juliet, he dies trying.]
It sounds too simple, and yet nearly all the movies and novels produced today follow this story line. Makes no difference if your talking about vampires or space aliens or Shakespeare. In fact, looking at this year’s Oscar nominations, both Hurt Locker and Avatar both apply this perfectly.
But what of this thing called a three act structure? You simple lay the above story line over a framework that has three basic parts – setup, body, resolution. Lets dissect this further. The following is a set of turning points within a three act structure:
Act I
Opening Scene: The opening scene usually has two functions: to introduce the protagonist and hook the reader. It often introduces other characters, and perhaps even hints at the theme.
Inciting Incident: This is the place where you introduce the problem that the protagonist will be dealing with. It sets up a situation where the protag is faced with a choice whether to deal with the problem or walk away.
Hammer: This is the compelling incident that makes the protag decide to solve the problem. From here on out, s/he’s caught up until the problem is solved.
Armature into act II: Once the protag decides to act, s/he sets a series of events in play – events that will blossom in Act 2.
Act II
Act II begins: Where as Act I sets up the conflict, Act II lets the conflict play its course, growing larger and more sharp. This is where the protag struggles to solve the problem, yet each effort creates a larger problem.
Midpoint: Stories, as well as characters, have an arc. The midpoint is when the story changes polarity. Many stories, from the protags point of view, move from positive to tragic. For example: Romeo goes to a party, see the girl of his dreams, woos her, and finally marries her. All positive. But at Midpoint, he fights and kills Tibalt. It’s all down hill from there. Now the lovers are parted, Romeo is banished, Juliet is promised to another, and in the end they both die. So it was positive unit midpoint, then all negative.
Other stories start off with the protag in serious trouble and it gets much worse for them until the midpoint, then things begin to get better, and finally end with the hero prevailing. Again, the midpoint is where the polarity changes. And at least for most screenplays, it actually happens pretty close to halfway through the story.
Armature into act III: The conflict between the protag and the antag continues to grow. This is the point just before the darkest moments. If the hero wins in the end, this is a place where s/he has a false victory. That is, they think they’re home free (but in Act 3 they have the rug pulled out from under them.) It is the lead into the final crisis.
Crisis: This is the place where the Hero is turned on his/her head. It looked like s/he was going to win, then they the rug was pulled out from them and it now looks like they are done for.
Climax: At this point in the story, when things look darkest for the hero, s/he uses his/her own efforts, intelligence, compassion or ingenuity to solve the problem and overcome the antagonist.
Resolution: The protag solves the problem and this is where s/he sees the fruits of that solution.
Of course, there are different variations on this particular structure. But you’d be surprised how many stories follow it to a T. Hopefully, I’ve explained it well enough for you to understand each turning point. It’s an interesting exercise to watch a moving, stopping it to consider how closely if falls into this structure.
Here’s a great description of story, from Writing to Sell by Scott Meredith:
“A sympathetic lead character finds himself in trouble of some kind and makes active efforts to get himself out of it. Each effort, however, merely gets him deeper into his trouble, and each new obstacle in his path is larger than the last. Finally, when things look blackest and it seems certain the lead character is finished, he manages to get out of his trouble through his own efforts, intelligence, or ingenuity.” [or in some cases, like Romeo and Juliet, he dies trying.]
It sounds too simple, and yet nearly all the movies and novels produced today follow this story line. Makes no difference if your talking about vampires or space aliens or Shakespeare. In fact, looking at this year’s Oscar nominations, both Hurt Locker and Avatar both apply this perfectly.
But what of this thing called a three act structure? You simple lay the above story line over a framework that has three basic parts – setup, body, resolution. Lets dissect this further. The following is a set of turning points within a three act structure:
Act I
Opening Scene: The opening scene usually has two functions: to introduce the protagonist and hook the reader. It often introduces other characters, and perhaps even hints at the theme.
Inciting Incident: This is the place where you introduce the problem that the protagonist will be dealing with. It sets up a situation where the protag is faced with a choice whether to deal with the problem or walk away.
Hammer: This is the compelling incident that makes the protag decide to solve the problem. From here on out, s/he’s caught up until the problem is solved.
Armature into act II: Once the protag decides to act, s/he sets a series of events in play – events that will blossom in Act 2.
Act II
Act II begins: Where as Act I sets up the conflict, Act II lets the conflict play its course, growing larger and more sharp. This is where the protag struggles to solve the problem, yet each effort creates a larger problem.
Midpoint: Stories, as well as characters, have an arc. The midpoint is when the story changes polarity. Many stories, from the protags point of view, move from positive to tragic. For example: Romeo goes to a party, see the girl of his dreams, woos her, and finally marries her. All positive. But at Midpoint, he fights and kills Tibalt. It’s all down hill from there. Now the lovers are parted, Romeo is banished, Juliet is promised to another, and in the end they both die. So it was positive unit midpoint, then all negative.
Other stories start off with the protag in serious trouble and it gets much worse for them until the midpoint, then things begin to get better, and finally end with the hero prevailing. Again, the midpoint is where the polarity changes. And at least for most screenplays, it actually happens pretty close to halfway through the story.
Armature into act III: The conflict between the protag and the antag continues to grow. This is the point just before the darkest moments. If the hero wins in the end, this is a place where s/he has a false victory. That is, they think they’re home free (but in Act 3 they have the rug pulled out from under them.) It is the lead into the final crisis.
Crisis: This is the place where the Hero is turned on his/her head. It looked like s/he was going to win, then they the rug was pulled out from them and it now looks like they are done for.
Climax: At this point in the story, when things look darkest for the hero, s/he uses his/her own efforts, intelligence, compassion or ingenuity to solve the problem and overcome the antagonist.
Resolution: The protag solves the problem and this is where s/he sees the fruits of that solution.
Of course, there are different variations on this particular structure. But you’d be surprised how many stories follow it to a T. Hopefully, I’ve explained it well enough for you to understand each turning point. It’s an interesting exercise to watch a moving, stopping it to consider how closely if falls into this structure.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Excerpt from my latest novel, First Exposure
Tuesdays are the days I showcase my own work on this blog. Today I’d like to share an excerpt from my novel, First Exposure, which will be released on Aug. 9th in paperback and all eBook formats.
Blurb: Straight, married Petty
Officer Second Class Skyler Thompson battles homophobia from his Navy buddies,
the military, and his wife when he takes a job creating flower arrangements at
a gay-owned florist. But rather than yield to pressure and quit, he refuses to
give up the joy of creating beautiful arrangements, battling homophobia for
artistic expression. His dream is to leave the navy and open his own florist
Dumphy—his shipmates all call him Dumpy because of his obesity—is a gay sailor
who likes to dress in drag. He is shunned by his shipmates, tragically lonely,
and uses drugs to cope with his solitude. What he wants more than anything is
someone to share his life with.
these two men, opposites in every way, help each other achieve their dreams?
The majority of the ship’s three-thousand-man
crew and twenty-five-hundred-man air wing made their way to the flight deck to
hear the president’s speech. Skylar, however, hustled to the squadron’s
enlisted lounge where he found a dozen of his shipmates sipping beers and
watching Bush’s speech on the television attached to the bulkhead. The screen
showed Bush on a podium below the “Mission Accomplished” banner. “In the Battle
of Iraq,” the president said, “the United States and our allies have
The crew on deck cheered; so did the men in the
lounge, raising their beers in a salute. A bottle of whiskey passed from man to
man, and from the little fluid left in the bottle, Skylar realized his
shipmates were already halfway to shitfaced.
As Skylar sauntered across the compartment, he
nearly choked on the aroma of warm beer, cigarette smoke, and human sweat. He
snatched a beer and cranked off the cap, then perched himself on a chair in a
corner where he couldn’t see the damned monitor. He removed a sketchpad and
charcoal pencil he always kept beneath his shirt, and began sketching the image
of the Viking jet. He softened the lines with his fingers, shading where
needed. Skylar had a feel for drawing. He considered himself an artist, albeit
an untrained one. While aboard, it was the only thing that gave him true
“Why fly him here anyway?” Skylar asked no one
in particular. “We’re thirty miles from San Diego, for christsakes.”
Shushes echoed from the men.
Dunphy wandered into the room holding a yellow
writing tablet and ballpoint pen. He studied the remaining empty seats with a
troubled scowl, as if trying to find the safest spot available. Skylar’s and
Dunphy’s eyes met from across the room, and Dunphy rambled toward him and
squeezed his bulk into the next seat over. Without a word, he bent his head
over his tablet and began writing a letter. A minute later, he glanced up at
Skylar, as if noticing him for the first time, and offered him a relieved grin.
Skylar returned the gesture. He scanned the room
again. Smitty played bridge at the next table with Stokes, Kelso, and Nash.
Hudson perched himself on a table in the center of the group of spellbound
crewmen, chewing on a half-burned cigar and his eyes glued to the tube.
Skylar and Dunphy worked side by side, Skylar
sketching and Dunphy writing. The first time Dunphy’s arm brushed Skylar’s, he
hardly noticed. The second nudge was longer, almost sensual. It caught Skylar’s
attention. He glanced down, noticing Dunphy’s hands for the first time, shapely
and hairless, showing a particular beauty. Skylar moved his arm, giving Dunphy
an inch more room, and began to draw those fingers wrapped around the pen.
The third brush convinced him it was deliberate.
He pulled his arm well away and turned to stare into those liquid, unreadable
Before Skylar could begin to fathom Dunphy’s
intentions, the hatch slammed open and Petty Officer Third Class Travis Bolton,
the Brutus of the navy, charged into the room. His crew cut was the color of
scorched grain; skin shaded a creamed coffee hue. Bruises adorned his face, and
one of his muscular arms was bandaged and supported by a sling. Travis was two
years older than Skylar, but when they hung together, Skylar felt like Travis
was his little brother—someone who needed looking after.
Their shipmates had nicknamed them, the Evil
Twins. They didn’t look alike, but Travis loved practical jokes, regardless of
who they offended, and Skylar always backed him up when things went wrong,
which was often. This bad boy role gave them both a certain amount of capital
in this tough, unforgiving environment. It also awarded them a lot of solitude.
“It’s a fuckin’ zoo on deck,” Travis drawled in
his baritone, Baton Rouge accent. He shook his head like a wet schnauzer. His
black eyes blazed with restless energy.
“Look who they let out of the brig,” Smitty
bellowed. “The mouth from the South walks among us once again. They even let
him keep a stripe.”
“Christ, have you seen what’s going on up
there?” Travis said, turning his back on Smitty. “There’s more press on deck
than fags at a West Hollywood Gucci sale.”
“You’d be the one to know,” Hudson said. He let
out a bark of laughter as he and Smitty did a high five.
Travis snatched a bottle of Jack Daniel’s from
the crate and shoved his way toward Skylar. He cracked open the bottle, took a
hot swallow, and wiped his mouth on his sleeve.
Skylar sipped his beer while he watched Travis
stampede through the room with the lithe delicacy of a heavyweight
prizefighter. Travis wore one of his hand-tailored uniforms that he had bought
in Honolulu and upon which the three stripes of a petty officer first class had
been hand-embroidered. Skylar inspected the fresh pale lines on his friend’s
sleeves where two other stripes had accompanied the one there now. His eyes
shifted to Travis’s damaged face. “Owww, Trav. Fightin’ with your cellmate to
see who bends over?” he said, and chuckled. “Hope you boys used protection.”
“Don’t be jealous, Skye; he doesn’t have your
boyfriend’s puppy dog eyes and big, cushy ass.” He nodded his head at Dunphy.
They smiled, clinked their bottles, and both
took another swallow. This competitive banter became a delicate situation for
Skylar, and he felt he had to restrain himself. Even though Travis was his
buddy, it seemed their conversations always became delicate situations, both of
them flirting with that invisible no man’s land between amusing and affronting.
Delicate situations irritated Skylar. Who
was it that said that Hell is being
locked in a room with your best friend, forever? He thought of that moment
of freedom he had experienced on deck, his arms spread and his face into the
wind, just him and the horizon, and he wanted desperately to recapture that
“If bullshit were money,” Skylar said, “we could
buy our way out of this suck-ass job and do something worthwhile.”
“Give up slavin’ for minimum wage, bein’ away
from home for months at a time, brown-nosing the brass, and riskin’ our lives
for God and country? Are you nuts? What’s better than this?”
“Right, what was I thinking?”
“So, Skye, what’s it like to flag the
president’s bird? Bet you peed your tighty whities.”
Skylar glanced at his sketch of the Viking.
“Same as any other. He’s just cargo, only dumber than most.”
“Yeah, but I’ll bet you put some extra Tinker
Bell flair into it for the cameras.”
Smitty huffed at Travis, “Which makes you
Captain Hook?”
“Naw,” Hudson said, “with that big mouth, he’s
got to be the crocodile. What’s his name?”
“Tick Tock,” Dunphy said. “Who doesn’t know
“Shut your piehole, fruitcake,” Travis said.
“Nobody asked you shit.”
thought about all the enlisted men who, almost to a man, were thin-skinned,
loudmouthed, and shallow. More and more, he felt out of place in their company.
He wondered if the navy deliberately allured individuals who were, well… crude,
or if they became that way after they joined as a defense mechanism to this
testosterone enriched atmosphere. The question was moot. There was no way to
change them or the environment. Whenever he thought about it, however, he felt
an inkling of concern that their loutish ways were rubbing off on him.
Dunphy leaned closer, uncomfortably close, to
peek at the sketchpad. “Hey, that’s amazing. You went to art school?”
“Naw. Got sidetracked.”
“Yeah, didn’t we all. But, man, if I had your
talent I wouldn’t be here shucking orders and eatin’ runny eggs and burnt
“Takes more than talent.” Skylar knew how
arduous the hardscrabble art world could be for an unknown artist. He had
friends that ate or starved on the whim of reviews, art fairs, and group shows,
and who only dreamed of sales to collectors. Some had MFAs and adjunct teaching
posts, but most produced sketches for third-rate advertising firms. Not one of
them made the kind of money from painting that could support a family.
Skylar lifted his beer toward Travis. “You
organize this? Pretty risky considering who’s aboard. You must really love brig
“Aw, shit, Skye, the brass’ll be on deck all
day, listenin’ to that lying sack of turds. By the time they finish lickin’
each other’s buttholes, there’ll be nothing left but empty bottles in the trash
chute.” He took another swallow and nodded at Dunphy. “But wouldn’t you have
wet your panties if the brass saw you unloading this?”
Dunphy’s face blushed the color of a ripe peach.
He dropped his head, intent on his letter once again.
“Hell,” Travis continued, “Eighteen months at
sea, we deserve some party time.” Travis became more animated with each
mouthful of Jack. He snatched the pad from Dunphy’s hand.
“Hey, give that back, you Neanderthal.”
“Lookie here, boys,” Travis said, raising his
voice, “Dumpy’s writing a love letter to his sweetheart.”
Dunphy stabbed for his pad. The wattle of fat
under his chin shook.
Skylar shot Travis a look. “Give it up, Trav.”
“Tommy,” Travis read in a loud voice, “I got
your letter, and I’m thrilled you’ll be in Washington when we dock—”
Skylar swiped the pad from his hand. “You’re
such a dick,” he said, and handed the pad back to Dunphy.
Travis displayed a full set of dingy teeth.
“Sounds like Dumpy has two BFs.” His voice held no trace of humor this time.
Skylar’s stomach spun a slow somersault. He laid
his sketchpad aside and stood eye-to-eye with Travis. “Say that again, asshole.
I dare ya.” He used the vehement tone that he always found startling, like
thunder on a cloudless day, and that he had intentionally developed for
situations like this.
The room fell silent.
Skylar made his eyes go hard, enhancing the
challenge. Travis bunched up a fist and pulled his arm from the sling. Skylar
bent his knees to lower his center of gravity.
Before Travis could make his move, Captain Jake
Blake rambled through the hatchway, looking stern, unflappable, and fit for his
fifty-two years. Beneath his salt-and-pepper crew cut and hiding behind his
tortoiseshell glasses were his piercing hazel eyes, which revealed his
self-assured temperament. His dress white uniform was crisply pressed and his
shoes buffed, communicating respect for his position and underlining his
attention to detail. He smiled, but it seemed more the result of a paralyzed
face than a cheerful disposition.
Hudson yelled, “Attention on deck!”
The men snapped to attention. A bottle tipped
over and rolled to Jake’s feet, leaving a trail of beer in its wake. Jake
stepped over it as if it were a landmine.
Travis glanced at Skylar and mouthed a silent,
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