Thursday, July 19, 2012

What Day Is This?

I sat down at my laptop this morning and wrote what I thought was a brilliant tip on writing with emotional impact, but then when I went to post that article, I realized that I posted a writing tip just yesterday???

The problem? I generally try to post writing tips on Wednesdays, and I forgot which day of the week it is. It’s funny and not so funny, at least to me. It’s not that I’m so old that I’ve begun to forget where I’ve left my glasses or when to take out the garbage cans. The issue is having the job of writing, I do the same routine each and every day:

6:30am, out of bed and making coffee
6:45am, checking email and planning my writing schedule
7:00am, writing a blog post for the day
8:00am, working on my current wip
12:00pm, break for lunch, swim, read, quality time with Herman
4:00pm, answer the day’s emails, Twitter & FB, promote books, wherever
7:00pm, either watch a Netflix movie or go out on the town with Herman
10:00, read in bed

I spend so much time alone at my desk that each day bleeds into the next, and without some blip in the routine, I often don’t have a clue whether it’s Monday or Friday.  My gauge of time passing is progress on my wip. I guess I need to start paying more attention to the world outside my story. 

1 comment:

Barb said...

You''re not alone. I can never remember what day it is either. I tell myself it's because I work night shift! Yep, uh huh.