Friday, March 12, 2010

A Chore Day

Today has been a chore day. I flew into SFO last night as the sunset. It was stunning. I’ve seen some impressive sights in the last few months, the Hong Kong skyline for instance. But none I enjoy more than seeing San Francisco from the air. This really is a special city, unique in so many ways.

Took about two hours to wade through customs and catch the airporter bus home.
Even though I was dead tired from a the eleven-hour flight from Hong Kong, I was also wired at being home, so not much sleep last night.

Been fighting jet-lag all day. Not much energy, getting confused easily, starting tasks and then forgetting what I was doing. Bottom line: it has not been a stellar day for me. Still, it feels so damned good to be home after four months of living out of a suitcase.

I did manage to get a few things checked off my todo list – something like three of the ten things I had planned to do. LOL.

Oh well, I think I’ll let myself off the hook and just go crawl back into bed for a half-hour nap. Naps are important, more so the older one gets, and I’m feeling pretty old today.

So I’ll wrap this up and try to post an update tomorrow.

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