Saturday, December 28, 2019

12/28/19 Procrastination

Spending a quiet morning trying to get motivated to return to writing fiction. I’ve have a story half-written that I put on the shelf a few months back, letting it simmer in my head while I trekked across Bhutan and India. I’ve been back home three weeks and I keep avoiding returning to the story. It’s not writer’s block. It is purely a motivation issue. I’m content to read other authors’ works rather than put my nose to the grindstone and craft my own tale. This is something I’ve not experienced since I began writing twenty years ago. Hopefully as the new year dawns, so will my impetus.

Had a slow day yesterday because of too much wine consumption the night before. I was, however, feeling fine by the time Herman and I joined our closest friends for dinner at John Henry’s restaurant. When we first moved to Palm Springs John Henry’s was my favorite dinner spot. But two years ago the ownership changed hands and the food/service quality took a nose dive. It has gotten so bad that last night will be the last they see of me. I’ve grown tired of being disappointed by them. 

Insight of the Day: Things change. You accept it, adjust, and move on. 

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